June 23, 2015 @ 9:52 AM

We had to let this sweet girl cross over the rainbow bridge yesterday. Please keep our herd and volunteers in your thoughts. Kit was abandoned on someones property 3 years ago and was sent to the kill auction where she and another mare (Vivian) were rescued by Roger Cardillo, WHRR Director. To make a donation in honor of Kit you can use this link. Kit was a shining example of the quote:
"Saving One Animal Won’t Change the World But It Will Change The World For That One Animal."
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June 18, 2015 @ 1:21 PM
A great big THANK YOU to everyone who came out to our Bust of Butterflies event in downtown Chandler! Fun was had by all painting ceramics to take home. Please stop by our Upcoming Events page to see what is going on at the ranch!
Participants working hard to create their works of art!:

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June 4, 2015 @ 9:07 PM
Update: 6/18/2015 - Logan got Adopted!
Update: 6/9/2015 - Sweetie got Adopted!
Thor is still looking for a forever home.

Logan (top image), Sweetie (white pit/mix) and Thor (caramel, handsome devil) are looking for their forever homes. They were brought back on our most recent trip to the canyon when we also took in 3 horses and a mule. If you would like more information you can click on the Adoptable Animals tab at the top of our page or fill out an Adoption Application.
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