Sanctuary Animals Needing Sponsorship
Please consider Donating for our Sanctuary Animals to provide Veterinary Care, Feed & Water.
Joe is a young colt we received in 2019. He is the mirror image of Frankie Blue Eyes Casper. Joe is a perlino. They have a double diluted gene which makes these babies prone to all kinds of medical issues. They require unique care for their fragile conditions. Frankie is on the left. Joe is on the Right. They met at The Ranch!
Joe is a Sanctuary Horse - he is not up for adoption due to his special needs which includes his environment, blindness, inability to be in the sun, and the other quirky things that go along with being Joe Perlino. We absolutely adore him at The Ranch.
To help Joe, click on the Donate Button below. You may select a One Time Donation or a Monthly Donation to help Joe.
Please put Joe's name in the Message Box.

Frankie Blue Eyes Kasper is a young colt we received in 2018. He was born on 1/30/2018 with a cleft palate, a hernia and blindness. We raised the thousands of dollars to have all of his surgeries. Today, he is a super healthy, beautiful boy.
Sanctuary horse - he is not up for adoption due to his special needs. He must stay out of the sun and when he has medical treatments, he needs extra special care.
We absolutely adore him at The Ranch.
To help Frankie, click on the Donate Button below. You may select a One Time Donation or a Monthly Donation to help Frankie.
Please put Frankie's name in the Message Box.

Littlefoot is a young gelding we rescued in 2018. He was rounded up with a band of wild horses by Asarco Mine in Southern Arizona. He has an old injury that looks like he broke his leg at one point and it healed in a wonky way. However, Littlefoot is the most athletic horse at our ranch.
Sanctuary horse - he is not up for adoption due to all of his special needs.
In this picture, Clint comforts Littlefoot.
To help Littlefoot, click on the Donate Button below. You may select a One Time Donation or a Monthly Donation to help Littlefoot.
Please put Littlefoot's name in the Message Box.

Justified is a 26 year old wild stallion (birth year approximately 1996). He was rounded up with a band of wild horses by Asarco Mine in Southern Arizona. He is healthy, handsome and has almost no scars on his body. This is beyond impressive for a wild mustang of his age. It tells us that he did a great job of protecting his wild family for decades. It is incredibly sad that this magnificent specimen was captured and is now forced to live in captivity. While we wish he were still running wild with his family, we are thankful that we are able to provide him with a safe place to live out his years in nobility.
Justified is a Sanctuary Horse - he is not up for adoption. Only a few of our staff are certified to handle him. He is a very wise wild stallion and requires expert handling.
To help Justified, click on the Donate Button below. You may select a One Time Donation or a Monthly Donation to help Justified.
Please put Justified's name in the Message Box.

Mimi is a young wild mare. She was born in roughly 2014. She was rounded up for the crime of walking on lands that her family lived on for generations. Some developers built homes and Mimi and her family had to be rounded up and destroyed. She had a baby with her and she was also pregnant. We saved Mimi and her family.
Mimi is a sanctuary horse because she has renal tubular acidosis. We cannot prove it, but we believe Mimi developed this due to the stress of the round up. She also lost her unborn baby due to that stress. We've spent over $15,000 on medical bills to save Mimi's life. Today, she is a beautiful, healthy and very sassy mare. We love her at The Ranch!
To help Mimi, click on the Donate Button below. You may select a One Time Donation or a Monthly Donation to help Mimi.
Please put Mimi's Name in the Message Box.

Wildhorse Ranch Rescue, Inc. aka Wildhorse
501(c)(3) charity ~ Established 1995
Mailing Address for ALL correspondence: PO Box 3080 Gilbert, AZ 85299-3080
Physical Addresses: WHQ ~ Wildhorse Head Quarters 11811 S Lindsay Road Gilbert, AZ 85296
W@PP ~ Wildhorse at Pixie's Playground - Certified Foster Facility - San Tan Valley, AZ
W66 - Wildhorse 66 ~ 3555 W Old Hwy Ash Fork, AZ 86320
Phone: (866) 926-8007 General inquries Volunteering