May 9, 2020 @ 1:30 PM

After several nights in the hospital, Gus was well enough to come home! Our Team went to work to set up Gus' area with safe baby fencing, shade, and a cushy bed.



It's not prudent to transport sick newborns in a horse trailer, especially in the blazing Southwest heat and when they need to be bottle fed every 2 hours. We transported both Jack and Gus in air-conditioned vehicles from Gallup, New Mexico to Gilbert, AZ. Both of them weigh less than 50 lbs which is smaller than a medium sized dog. Gus came home from the hospital in Laurie's SUV. Laurie is our Herd Health Director. 

Gus was a little wobbly when he first stepped into his new stall. He checked out his fresh bucket of water. As he still has the IV in his neck (just in case), he's wrapped with some vet wrap and a Wildhorse Ranch Rescue bandana. 


It was quickly time for lunch! 

Marisa and Gus watch the team finish installing the shade structure. 

The Colt Care Team is in place for Jack and Gus. The team communicates continuously in regards to developments, vitals (temp, respiration, volume of milk consumed), and milestones, like poops! Pray for poops!

Houston, We've Have Poops! Yay!


Check back for more updates on the Adventures of Jack and Gus!